AZO Yeast® Plus

Your vagina is a sensitive and dynamic ecosystem. Everyday things like sex, stress and hormone changes can disrupt its delicate balance and bring on a yeast infection or other vaginal issues. With 75% of women expected to experience a yeast infection in her lifetime, it feels almost inevitable. But, that doesn’t mean you need to suffer through all the uncomfortable symptoms. AZO Yeast® Plus is formulated for vaginal and yeast infection symptom relief.‡‡ Vaginal and yeast infections share similar bothersome symptoms (itching, burning, occasional odor and discharge). AZO Yeast® Plus homeopathic medicine relieves vaginal itching and burning, and occasional vaginal discharge and odor.‡‡ Ingredients recognized by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.

AZO Yeast® Plus

AZO Yeast® Plus
AZO Yeast<sup>®</sup> Plus front of Package

AZO Yeast® Plus


  • Relief from vaginal itching, burning and discharge.

Uses: See your doctor if this is the first time you have vaginal itching and discomfort to find out if you have a vaginal yeast infection.

  • Relieves the symptoms of itching and burning associated with vaginal yeast infections.
  • Relieves occasional vaginal odor and discharge.